You need to add these 10 Nude Lipstick Shades in your Makeup Stash!

Remember the time when nude lips were in fashion? Well, the nude lips trend is back again! Woohoo! However, many despise nude lipsticks as they feel that it would make one look pale. But, that’s not the case for everyone. Nude lipsticks perfectly go with smokey eyes. And if you ask me, every girl can carry it well IF she know’s what she’s doing.

If you’ve been following us, we recently showed you how to choose the perfect shade of red lipstick that would complement your skin tone. Yes, not many know that but, a certain shade of red lipstick would look nice, only on certain skin tones.

But today, for all those who are looking for that perfect shade of nude lipstick, we have compiled a list of some amazing local and international brands that sell some amazing ‘Nude’ lipstick shades. Oh, you can thank us later!

Here we goooo!

Let’s talk about some local brands which are easily available in the Pakistani market.

1. Oriflame – Pink Nude


2. Medora – Demure


3. Sweet Touch – 784

4. Color Studio Professional – Missionary #108



5. Masarrat Misbah Lip Varnish in Uptown Girl

Not just this, but they’re economical as well and you wouldn’t regret it at all!

Let’s talk about some international brands, shall we?

1. NYX – Euro Trash (matte)


2. Revlon –  Nude Attitude

London Drugs

3. L’Oréal – Fairest Nude

Makeup Alley

4. Rimmel (Kate Moss Collection) #014

Makeup Alley

5. Wet n Wild – Bare it all


One has to have a red lipstick and a nude lipstick in their makeup stash. It is IMPORTANT. You’ll know why. Also, these two lipstick shades (red and nude) will never let you down! That’s for sure.

Impressed by the list or have your favorite one to add to the list? Which one is your favorite from the list above? Let us know in the comments below!