6 Bad Beauty Habits that you Need to Quit Immediately!

Bad habits can be very dangerous to your health and there’s no denying that we all have some sort of bad habits that we just cannot let go of. Isn’t this true? Well, since the new year has just begun, it is important to know that everyone has some goals in life to accomplish. Many set goals at the beginning of every year and try to accomplish them, whereas some, wait for the next day. However, what many don’t realize is that your bad habits can play a major role in your life and you accomplishing your dreams.

Now, here’s the deal… there are way too many bad habits that can actually affect your lifestyle. And, if we talk about beauty, there are MANY bad habits in the beauty category that women tend to get addicted to. Want to know what they are? Well, let’s begin:

1. Hoarding makeup – YUSSSS..


Love the latest eyeshadow and highlight palettes? Well, you gotta stop purchasing them right now. Why? Because every makeup product out there has an expiration date! Sorry to burst your bubble, but you just wasted your money showing off all your expensive makeup which has now been expired. Woopsies!

2. Sleeping in your make up


Sleeping with your makeup is the worst possible thing you can ever do. Sleeping with your makeup will clog your pores, cause acne and what not. Always, always wash your face at night before going to bed.

3. Playing with your hair


We’re ALL guilty of this one. Playing with our hair when bored or lost in a thought is what we usually do. But little do you know is that playing with your hair can make your hair oily, damaged and it may even lead to hair loss.

4. Exfoliating daily


Exfoliating your skin on a daily basis can be very harmful. Scrubbing your skin daily will cause irritation and may even lead to whiteheads under your skin that won’t go away.

5. Using dull razor blades


We’re a lazy nation and when it comes to razor blades, it takes a while for us to change our razors. Despite knowing the fact that dull razor blades can be very dangerous and may even cut your skin, using them may also increase your chances of getting bacterial or fungal infections. Yikes, beware!

6. Taking hot showers


Taking a hot shower for sure feels good and veryyyy relaxing, but did you know that hot showers are prone to taking away all the moisture from your skin? Yes, your skin will be dry as an elephant’s!

Feeling guilty? Well, it’s about time you give up on these.