Beat The Humidity – Our Secret to Taming That Hair Frizz This Monsoon!

There are days when you’re having a good hair day, and there are days when you just wish you could go hide under a rock! Yes, we all know it’s the monsoon season which arrives with extreme humidity. Oh boy! The annoying frizz! Now, we know how hard it is to maintain the untamed hair, and let’s not forget the vicious flyaways! Ugh!

To make your lives easier, we have come up with some easy tips to maintain your frizzy hair during extreme humidity! You can thank us later! 

1. Don’t use the hair dryer right after you wash your hair

Source: Giphy

You don’t want to blast your hair with a blow dryer because that will just make it frizzier. It is best to towel dry your hair right after you wash your hair.

2. Don’t over-wash your hair. That will just form more frizz

Over-shampooing your hair would cause your hair to dry out, even more. The natural oils of your hair will dry our causing more frizz.

3. Wear your hair up – Try a messy bun

The safest solution for your hair is to tie them up in a messy bun! And of course, messy hair bun look good with EVERY attire!

4. Use a ‘little’ hairspray just to tame your flyaways (but not too much)

Source: Giphy

If your small flyaways are bothering you on your forehead, it’s safe to use a little hairspray by spraying some on your comb or your fingertips and gently running it on your flyaways. You’ll see the magic!

5. Avoid using old-fashion hair serums

Source: Giphy


Avoid using products that contain a lot of artificial ingredients. Use serums that have natural oils so your can maintain a healthy texture and feel.

6. Use an oil spray after drying your hair

Source: Giphy

A dry oil mist will help you retain that moisture and texture which is not greasy keeping your hair non-greasy!

It’s always safe to be prepared in advance. When it’s humid, it’s humid. And, there is no way you can fix your once you’ve stepped outside your house. How do you tame your frizzy hair when it’s humid? Is your hair easy to manage?

Tag your friend who has frizzy hair and gets easily annoyed when it’s humid!