This Pakistani Facebook Group Exposes All the Alleged *F**kbois* Around the Nation and It Is Wrong On So Many Levels!

If you are active on Facebook, you’ll be a part of at least 2-3 private groups. For the women on Facebook, there are a number of groups that allow them to interact with one another – be it related to their marriages, concerns regarding their children or even forums that allow them to discuss their relationships, you’ll find all sorts of private-all-women-groups on Facebook.

Among the list of Facebook groups lies a private forum that keeps on changing its name…

From personal experience, this group seemed rather harmless at first; women were just interacting with one another regarding some day-to-day issues.

Later, However, It Took a Wild Turn!

This Group Became a Platform for Women to Discuss All the Fuckbois Other Women Should Stay Cautious Of

Women post screenshots and pictures of men by writing detailed notes over them. They mention how the guy is a jerk, and go as far as calling him a rapist.

Here Are a Few Examples:



This is unbelievable!!!



Wrong on so many levels!



We are baffled to see how people can be okay with this group. It’s okay to be sure about someone but it’s not okay to put up someone’s picture with the sole intention of character assassination. People change with time so it might be unfair to judge them based on their past. Instead of investigating someone’s profiles for legit reasons, people are revealing personal information about guys just to have fun. This has impacted a lot of families in a negative way as well. People who have moved on do NOT deserve to be treated this way.

We all make mistakes in the past, we reflect and repent. Talking about stuff that doesn’t matter anymore is a waste of time. We are not quite sure what to make of this group, tbh. The explanations and the narrations they provide are alarming, but are they real? Or just someone doing this out of a spite? Can’t really tell.

Just stay clear of any mishap, ladies!