7 Types of Women Drivers You Will Find on the Roads of Pakistan

Calling out all women drivers, let’s have a word…

How many times have you looked at a woman driving on the road, tending to her car or visiting a fuel station and thought that she has got everything handled and is doing just fine? Not many. Well maybe it’s because us women haven’t come forward and claimed the platform and owned it to the world that when it comes to our cars, we’ve got this; our car, our responsibility.

Source: BBC

Just recently, we stumbled upon a campaign by TOTAL PARCO, who are actively engaged in busting stereotypes, demystifying car maintenance and giving their women drivers the platform to come up and say ‘Meri Gari Meri Zimaydari’. Being the first oil manufacturing company – in an industry that doesn’t aim to target women at all – in Pakistan, their initiative to arm women drivers with all the information they need to maintain their car like no other, has got everyone talking. For decades, TOTAL PARCO has been partners with millions of men drivers in the country, it’s heartening to see they are striving for the same for their women drivers. Kudos to them for giving the ladies this platform and for standing by them in their journey down the road with their cars.

With that being said, here are the types of women drivers you will typically find on the roads:

1. The ones who have their car’s monthly checklist sorted

And why not? #TotalParco has made it a lot easier; breaking down the topsy-turvy terms and processes and presenting them in a not so non-sensical way for everyone.

2. The ones who take responsibility for themselves and others on the road


3. The ones who are very well on their own and can take care of their cars

4. The ones who can tackle tough driving conditions like a boss

Because it’s all about #MeriGariMeriZimaydari.

5. The ones who do not give two cents about notorious stereotypes and cultural ethos about women drivers

Flat tire? Change of oil? Oh, why not!

6. The ones who lead by an example in order to inspire maximum women out there


7. The ones who juggle a million things in a day flawlessly and maintain their cars to perfection

Spread the word! #YESWECANLADIES