4 Signs that prove you are working at a Toxic Workplace!

When it comes to narrowing down a perfect workplace for a woman, chances are, you’ll face a lot of difficulties. Let’s face it – we live in a world where men believe they are in charge of everything. Regardless of how one may agree or disagree with this notion, once you have a male boss, things often get difficult for a female.

Such an attitude provokes numerous activities to be carried out in a workplace, making it inappropriate for someone to work there as it concerns their safety.


It is essential for employees to see and read between the lines to determine whether their workplace is safe for them or not:

1. Rise of Internal Competition Encouraged by the Workplace

It is essential for a workplace to encourage a team-work behavior rather than making them compete “men vs. women”. This creates a threatening environment for women and men, both but women because they have much to prove, feel more targetted.

2. Top to Down and Bottom to Up Bullying

Depending on the nature of the company/organization, bullying is a norm. Workplace harassment has affected women all around the world. Because the management shows the same behavior, the employees of the opposite gender may take advantage of it and do the same. The behavior pattern prevails.

3. Too Many Sticks and No Carrots

In a mixed workplace under a male boss or a male-oriented top management, women are taken lightly. Due to aspects such as “taking care of the family, getting married, bearing babies” and various other reasons, regardless of how much effort females show, they never get the credit or the promotion they are striving to achieve.

4. Always Being Pushed Down

Because you are taken as a “sensitive” or “weak” gender, your workplace may push you down by making disgraceful remarks or by even stating that you are not capable of doing the tasks.

It is essential for women to understand and read between the lines. Given the job market, one may feel afraid of letting go of a job, but it is important to understand that your dignity and your self-respect matters the most.