4 Things You Definitely Need to Know About Dermaplaning!

Growing up, one of the emerging needs of women revolves around their skincare, narrowing down to having baby-smooth skin, which eventually seems like the uncertain.

Dermaplaning is one way you can actually relive having smooth skin on your body again. Dermaplaning is one of the best procedures for those who wish to even out their complexion. If you feel your skin gets amazing after getting a facial, the effects of Dermaplaning will be way more than that.

The non-ablative method of skincare leads to cleanest and clearest complexion you will ever witness and therefore, the difference is pretty noticeable.


Before You Hook Yourself to Dermaplaning, Here are Some Things You Need to Know About

1. Dermaplaning Remove the Fine Wrinkles

Not to confuse fine wrinkles with deep wrinkles, ladies. Dermaplaning eliminates the fine wrinkles which can lead to a smoother skin and complexion. The results of the treatment can last to at least 5 months.

2. The Use of Surgical Scalpel


A 10-gauge sterile scalpel is used to conduct the procedure. This is one of the prime reasons why it shouldn’t and cannot be done at home. A lot of ladies confuse the treatment with simple shaving, while that is not true.

The surgical scalpels are extremely sharp when comparing them with the average razor. Most importantly, the skincare experts know the certain techniques and methods that make the entire process extremely delicate, with being impossible to be done on your own.


3. Patients with All Skin Types Can Go for Dermaplaning

Be it dull skin, dry skin, fine lines or sun damaged skin, the treatment is for everyone. However, one very important point needs to be kept in mind, which is that your skin will be exposed to a sharp scalpel, which may not be right for those who have inflamed acne.

4. Your Hair Will Grow Back Exactly the Same

The common misconception of this treatment is that once your hair starts growing back, it will be darker, coarser and thicker. As much as this sounds like an old wives’ tales, the results have proven otherwise.

The re-growth of hair will be of the same texture, at the same rate as they were before.

So ladies, what do you say? Shall we try the Dermaplaning treatment or are you still worried about the common misconceptions?