5 Early Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer you Need to Know About

When it comes to women and taking care of their genitals, a lot of ladies don’t pay attention due to lack of knowledge. Ovarian cancer affected more than 22,000 women in South Asia this year. While many women fail to notice the symptoms, it leads to the deadliest reproductive cancer for females.

Ovarian cancer is not detected by the time it reaches the stage 3 or stage 4, said by MD Nimesh Nagarseth, associate professor of reproductive science. Organs find enough amount of space to spread cancer which starts growing. Patients start noticing cancer as there is no space left for the tumor or the mass to hide. Feeling bloated is very normal for women. Then how can she know what is happening to her?

Here are Some Symptoms you Need to be Aware of:

1. Bleeding

Irregular bleeding is one of the most common signs among women facing ovarian stromal tumors. However, this is just for 1% of the ovarian cancers. Patients are likely to experience stromal tumors which produce estrogen, a bleeding period-like. This can be experienced by women after menopause too.

Some women with ovarian cancer start to bleed after their periods as well. The matter needs to be instantly checked.

2. Bloating

This is the type of bloating which doesn’t go away. Women often confuse it with period bloating or irregular and unhealthy diet. Despite controlling the junk intake, bloating doesn’t go away.

While women do not take their bloating seriously, by the time they notice, the tumor grows and reaches their kidney and ovary. Women start looking like pregnant ladies due to fluid buildup and ascites that fills the abdomens.

3. Not Feeling Hungry

The fluid buildup, ascites that causes bloating to ovarian cancer patient also leads to loss of appetite. People with ovarian cancer suddenly felt the need of eating less as eating the normal amount made them feel “overeating”.

4. Back pain

The patients of ovarian cancer experience face back pain without any reason, initially. There often comes an experience where ladies feel severe back pain, where they can’t stand or even sit.

The pain usually begins from the back and affects the daily activity. Often women cannot even sleep properly at night without taking painkillers. The fluid accumulates the abdomen and the pelvis. This causes irritation in the lower back tissues.

5. Urination

Often women experience the need of urinating, but when they sit on the pot, nothing comes out. The urges would come every now and then – sometimes after 10 minutes, sometimes after 30 minutes. Sometimes women who drink a lot of water confuse the sign.

These symptoms slow women down – all these affects lead to severe developments, eventually coming out as ovarian cancer. Women need to be careful and there is a constant need to examine these signs. Things worsen if someone is diagnosed with the cancer.