5 Secrets To Natural Beauty That Every Pakistani Girl Needs To Know

The world would have us suppose that there are no easy and low-cost natural beauty tips and tricks. What makes me say that? Well, do you know that how many women spend on their makeup? The amount is huge. Well, why waste money on makeup when you can take care of yourself with natural tips?

Here are five which are easy to use and you must try them!

1.  Banana and Egg Hair Treatment

Source: The Fit Indian

Are you looking for a slightly extra shine in your hair? Simply mix one egg and a mashed banana, apply it as a thick paste on your hair and leave it on for 10 – 30 minutes. Wash it off.  It’s super simple, and all natural, beauty tip.

2. Honey Face Mask

Source: Snapguide

Raw honey is surprisingly clean and a tremendous way to get a soft and beautiful skin. Once a week, use a tablespoon or so of raw honey and smoothly warm it by rubbing with your fingertips. Spread it on your face. Leave it on for 5 – 10 minutes. Use warm water to gently rinse it off and pat dry. Then bask in the glow of your honey-awesomeness. This raw honey is awesome, by the way.

3. Natural Black Head Removal

Source: Stylebees.com

Put 4 or 5 drops of raw honey on a sliced lemon. Then massage the lemon on your face for a minute, emphasizing any trouble areas. Leave the mixture on for 5 minutes and wash it off with cold water.

4. Body Scrub

Source: Pittsburgh | Natural Addictionz

Mix 2 parts of olive oil and 1 part of sea salt to make a quick and useful body scrub. This helps get rid of dead skin cells creating softer and brighter skin. And this natural beauty tip is much cheaper than that high-priced body scrubs available in stores.

5. Contaminated-Free Shaving Cream

Source: Tips and Crafts

Apply coconut oil on your legs as a natural alternative for your shaving cream. It will take time but it will work.

Keep in mind that the best natural beauty tips and secrets are not immediate fixes. They require good sleep, anxiety management, appropriate nourishment, healthy supplementation and physical exercise too. Everything takes time. So keep patience and be you!