Here Are 7 Signs To Identify If There Is Actually A Rooh Around You!

Have you ever had this feeling when you are just passing by someplace in your house and feel like someone else is there too? Ever wondered that maybe some spirit is trying to visit you? Maybe of a loved one?

Here are a few signs that might tell you that someone is paying you a visit!

1. Shadows out the corner of your eye

You know this has happened to you! Don’t deny. That time when you thought that somebody passed by the kitchen door but you were home alone.

2. Opening Doors/Cupboards

Cold winter night and you hear the door opening and after some time it closes itself. Who do you think it was?

3. An unearthly cry that only you can hear. (Make sure you are not alone at that time)

Ever heard a loud cry that makes your heart sink? Why does that happen only when it’s late night?


4. Music Playing

Ever had that co-incidence when you tune into radio in your car late at night coming back from office, and all of a sudden you hear a song which was loved by someone who’s no more! They are saying hello.  

5. Suddenly you smell something (could be good, or bad)

That one corner of the courtyard or tv lounge which all of a sudden starts smelling like someone has dropped a bottle of perfume. But after 5 minutes 0r later the smell disappears. It could be someone paying you a visit!

6. Chilly feeling at an expected corner of the room or house

Going to drink water at midnight and all of a sudden you have this cold feeling out of nowhere. And just when you are heading back to your room the feeling is no more. Chances are someone else was already present there. Watch out!

7. Someone calling out your name, when there’s no one around

It’s a silent winter night and you are trying to get comfortable in your bed, it’s too quiet around and you hear your name! Do not turn back. 

All these things are just the common belief of many people that chances are there could be someone around you which a common human eye can’t see! But if any of this happens, know that “Darna Mana Hai”