
This Pakistani Girl PERFECTLY Summarizes Everything Wrong With Pakistani Dramas And Their Rona Dhona


You know how every time you watch a Pakistani show, the female lead or her mom or her sister or her female cousin or their daadi is always shown as someone who cries a lot? Like A LOT? I mean…why do they do that? Sure, it is natural for humans to cry, to be emotional and to be upset. But ALL THE TIME? Like they show it our Pakistani dramas? Dehydration ka hi khayal karlo.

Anyway, while there is so much wrong with most of the Pakistani dramas airing these days, one thing is the number of lead actresses that get paid only for their fake tears and crying moments which pretty much is everything about their roles.

All of this and A LOT More Has Been Beautifully Summarized By this Girl Behind Feminustani

The video starts with sort of names dramas have these days, such as, “Chup raho//Meri Beti” and ye woh. Then the video proceeds to how women in dramas are ALWAYS crying…jaise unke paas aur koi kaam hi nahi?

Feminustani then talks about how it is perfectly fine to cry, but why just show this sort of image? “The drama makers say that these subjects are present in the society which is why to work on them,” but then again, these dramas create a tragedy image of women which the social practices. They never show anything. They never show any change.

I Mean Look At This

She then further shares how the roles women have in dramas are just two types of roles: either be a bechari and self-sacrificing type or be an evil type. The video then includes a NUMBER of dramas and their scenes where the same storyline repeats again and again and again and AGAIN.

Here’s the Video You Need To See

Excellent video, tbh. Now you can’t use “Oh we have Udaari as well,” it was a breakthrough drama and the fame it rose to shows how rare these dramas are.

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