This Medical Student From Faisalabad Finally Opens Up About How She Was Harassed By Her Professor!

There are many girls out there going through extremely disturbing incidents be it in real life or on social media and until now, there has been no serious action taken against these dreadful acts.

Every single day, we get to hear millions of stories of girls being harassed or abused either physically, sexually or emotionally by people who have no control over their sick minds or even by their family or dear ones too. Something very similar happened with this girl from a medical college in Faisalabad and she chose not to remain quiet about it anymore and has used the power of social media in every possible way to bring down a person who has been harassing her for the past 3 years.

Here’s another terrifying story:

The girl’s name is Mahwish Amin and she’s a student at Punjab Medical College (PMC), Faisalabad. She recently shared her harassment story on her Facebook account on how an assistant professor from her institute has been constantly harassing her and it has left all of us completely blown away.

What more, she mentioned the name and other few details of the professor who harassed her and further tagged other professors to look into this matter pleading for justice, and if no action would be taken by her institute, she will take this on to the next level by reporting it to the chief justice of supreme court, FIA, women harassment organizations and other media channels to fight not only for herself but for all those girls who have been harassed by the hands of this person.

Here’s the link to her post

Soon after her post, she made another one in which she requested other female medical students to inbox her their stories if they’ve also been going through the same as her:

This did not end here…She started receiving threats from the professor and his team to which she further posted with evidence on hand giving more attention to this story:

Thankfully, few of the professors had reached out to her and shared their views on this matter which made Mahwish and all of us believe that good men are still out there who support girls going through tough times like these and need not to feel alone at any cost:

And this one too:

This is an ongoing case and we strongly look forward to this matter being handled by higher official authorities to take strict actions against that monstrous professor and his team members and bring Justice to all those innocent girls including Mahwish herself so that this brings an end to such disgusting acts!

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