This Video of a Shopkeeper Molesting a Girl in Broad Daylight will Disgust You to the Core

Harassment, harassment everywhere. Aren’t you tired of reading these stories? Witnessing such incidents? Ever thought how this should end? Ever thought how many girls have committed suicide just because they were raped or harassed? How will our society ever change? Is this even acceptable? As much as these incidents are being talked about, what are the actions that are being taken?

Recently, a video went circulating all over social media, where a man in India, a shopkeeper, was seen molesting a girl out in the daylight, in front of the public. It is reported that Haji Rasool Ahmed Mian was the culprit and the video in which he was caught red-handed, has also been taken down from several social media pages. Much wow?

Here’s the appalling video, and this would totally boil your blood…

It is said that the guy who made this video was noticing this man since quite a few days and decided to release it on social media. However, the details of this man were later revealed and we’re still wondering if any further actions have been taken against this horrific act.

We wonder when will this change? It is sad to see girls experiencing such a thing and yes, we know some may even say that the girl in the video didn’t say anything, why should it matter to you? Yes, you, if you think this way, change your mentality. It is sick. It is not okay, and it is disgusting. This needs to stop and no religion teaches a human being to harass or molest one another.