This Pakistani-American Is Portraying A Positive Side Of Pakistan, But People Are Not Buying It!

Cynthia D. Ritche is a badass a pro-Pakistan American travel adventurist. She’s a freelance producer and director, Cynthia has been living in Pakistan for quite long now, and she loves to learn new Urdu words. She’s been interviewed multiple times in Pakistan and wallah! She talks complete Urdu.

Cynthia is also a journalist who is in deep love with Pakistan. She does everything in her capacity to show the very different and true image of Pakistan that the west is missing out! All the beautiful mountains, colorful truck art, chai dhabas, and versatility of people. Cynthia is often bashed by many western and sometimes even native Pakistanis for doing what she does the best.

She tries her best to show the positive image of Pakistan and for which many have a misconception

She quoted an Australian based media house, which at some point mentioned Pakistani streets to be “war-torn”. She posted a video with many kids and their parents in reply.


After photos in Peshawar riding a cycle and a rickshaw, to show people that it is completely fine to do in Pakistan. She tried to portray that women are more empowered here than what many people think!

But all she got in return was hate and taunts for being a “Gori”

This one “Human Rights Activist” and a “feminist” actually bashed Cynthia, said that why are we outsourcing to show the positive image of Pakistan!

OH WELL! Hypocrite much?!

Cynthia did reply to her and she is SAVAGE!

She backed her argument by saying that people react to what they see; shown by the western media. Sometimes we need a little more encouragement!

Can’t agree more

She said that in this twitter war she recently learned two new Urdu words!

Topi drama and Landay ka maal!

Her sarcasm is ON POINT!

How are you so sure about it!

Well well well! People and their hate on the internet is a vicious circle! Never ending. Cynthia is doing a great job, and she knew it all along that she will face all this criticism and hate and she has always been ready and straight-headed!

What do you think?! Let us know in the comments below. 😉