Dear Society, She Deserves To Be Accepted Even If She Makes Mistakes

After crying for several hours, she decided to write her last note. After an ordinary mistake, her life was totally destroyed. She started writing,

“Dear society,

Girls are also part of you, but why are you so cruel to girls. I absorb how both genders are treated in society. I absorb people are not neutral in treating both genders. Yess! Being a girl in this society is not supposed to be an easy task. No matter, how much she tries to live a respectable life, just one mistake is enough to drown her down in a society. Her mistakes can be ordinary human mistakes as well then why is the society so quick to judge them? This quick judgment has destroyed comfort and happiness for many girls.

Source: Love Quotes

She has her own dreams. Is she’s making mistakes, it’s absolutely normal! But her mistakes never allow you to call her characterless. Her mistakes never allow you to kill her in the name of honor and dignity.


She is a sensitive soul! She also deserves respect as other humans. She is the one who sacrifices her happiness for the happiness of another gender of society. She deserves to be accepted by society even if she makes mistakes. She deserves to be treated like a princess and queen. She deserves respect! She deserves the honor! She deserves dignity!

Dear Society, I request you to be neutral with both the genders. Dear Society, be a heaven for both genders, not a heaven for one and hell for the other.”

With a broken heart and tired mind, she was not in her senses and what she was writing. Her last note was the voice of millions of girls. Her last note was a request to a society.