This Girl Went from Flab to Fit In Just 5 Months and her Story Is So Inspiring!

Being bullied in school, college, and the university is pretty uncool. Growing up in a society where people judge you for the way you look; be it your health, complexion, lifestyle etc., has made people insecure about themselves. Fitting in society just because you have been criticized is the wrong way to go about it. Sit back and think about it. Keep in mind that you DO NOT want to please the society. Here’s a story of a girl who didn’t give up and went flab to fit in just 5 months!

Iqra decided to share her major transformation with us and how she lost so much weight:

I realized it was for my own good. For the sake of my health. I realized how opting for a healthy and better lifestyle would make me a better individual as well. My decision to opt for a healthy lifestyle was solely mine and not because of those bullies or society that called me ‘fat’. My willpower and decision were enough to keep me motivated.

Let me tell you this: You don’t need a person to tell you to lose weight, do it for yourself. Your health is your first priority; not what others say to you. You should LEAST be bothered about their concerns.

My Weight Loss Journey – I was on the right track!

I was 81.5 kgs when I decided to lose some pounds. My target was to reduce down to 60 kgs and guess what?  However, I reduced down to 65 kgs. Right now, my new target is to come down to 55 kgs. And yes, I will NOT be opting for a crash diet. I will take my time. I will let my body change slowly and gradually. However, it wasn’t easy. It was a challenge! There were times when I used to lose my focus and determination… But I tried to hold myself together. I wanted to become HEALTHY.

Just like most of us, I’ve been bullied for being overweight. Did I resort to self-pity? No. All excuses aside, I picked myself up and decided to bring a positive change on a personal note. I took charge. I started working out. I tracked my diet and learned portion control tricks. From being fat to fit, I came a long way losing 15 kgs in 6 months. However, all progress went in vain, soon as I slipped down the slope and gained 5 kgs. I blame Nutella brownies. But I’m on a roll again. I start #MISSION55 and call out everyone who wants to bring a positive change in their lives. Join me on Parhlo Pink; together we can achieve our fitness goals.

Here’s how I started my Day 1!

I want to live a healthy life and therefore, I want to lose a few more pounds to get to my ideal weight. I’m on my transformation journey and my target is to reduce down to 55kgs! Apart from this, I will be sharing my #Mission55 journey with all of you guys!

 If you want to join Iqra on #Mission55, then you can simply start today! Get to know the details on our Instagram account: Parhlo Pink and shed some pounds. Let’s make it happen, together. You can do it!