Hareem Farooq Seems Overjoyed After Meeting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau!

Hareem Farooq, the queen of many hearts has been lately been seen walking the streets of Canada. Why? You ask? Well, the Hum Awards 2018 will be held in Toronto, Canada! WOWZA!! Now that would be something to look forward to!

Hareem flaunting her desi attire in bairoon e mulk!

Speaking of Canada, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear Canada? JUSTIN TRUDEAU?! YASSSS! And our very own Hareem Farooq had the chance to meet Canada’s Prime Minister!

SHE WAS ECSTATIC!!! And here’s what she had to write about it:

“What a moment ‼️ An all-time career high when I got to meet the charming and amazing @justinpjtrudeau as a part of my trip to Canada and had a talk about the entertainment industry of Pakistan and how we can work together on bridging the gaps between the two countries with collaborations of films, dramas, music, and talent !! Love my job as an actor and producer which opens such doors for me … and love my fans from all over the world whose unconditional love and support helps me keep pushing the boundaries for women in Pakistan ?? ????”

Check out the smile on her face! Luckyyyy!!!

Hareem Farooq was literally overjoyed with excitement! I mean come on, meeting a politician who is not only famous for his political approach but also has all the ladies falling head over heels over his good looks. *Winks* So, it was not just a fan moment or simply taking a picture with him. Hareem and Justin even had an interesting conversation where the two discussed how the entertainment industry can be further promoted and how to bridge the gap between the two countries.

Well, who knows that Justin might be invited to attend the Hum Awards 2018? We’ll just have to wait and see.