20 Secrets about Pregnancy that No One Tells Expecting Mothers

Having an addition to your family seems like a very beautiful though as we usually witness it in the movies when a mother has nausea, back pain, joint pain, constant hunger and it all seems like a lovely journey but it isn’t that easy as birth pain is very hard to deal with. However, with delights comes with a list of things that no one ever tells you. But you don’t have to wait any longer as it’s listed down below.

1. It all may sound a bit weird but the sicker the better as it’s a sign that there are sufficient pregnancy hormones in your body. Therefore, even having morning sickness and vomiting is good in pregnancy.

2. So there comes a lot of times when you are pregnant and you immediately start to have a rush of emotions especially anger which means that your husband is going to be your ultimate victim for getting all your anger out.


3. In pregnancy, your sense of smell gets stronger. The sensitivity increases to such an extent that you even hate the smell of your soap.

4. Craving comes as a package deals with pregnancy. You can be hungry anytime and anywhere. The strong craving makes you munch on your favorite food but you will, in the end, throw up.

5. Not just your tummy, but your body also turns into a balloon as it all gets swollen especially your feet.

6. Your part of your body is making space for the baby that is on the way. But your abs do it the most.

7. The perfect and glowing skin in pregnancy stretches to limits which give you ugly stretch marks that will be a small incentive that you have entered motherhood.


8. It all looks beautiful on the television screen but it isn’t that special because the baby movement hurts bad.


9. Braxton-hicks contractions are something that you experience before going to labor as your body is practicing for what’s coming.


10. The delivery pain is something that can’t be compared with anything, not even the Braxton-hicks contractions.


11.Embarrassment is very common in all this process as you may even poop on the hospital bed.


12. It’s not just about you pooping, even your baby can poop inside you.


13. The horrible part is when the doctor tears you apart for making the space for the baby.


14. If you think that it’s all that you must do, then you are wrong because you might even get stitches on the worst body part.


15. Delivering the baby is a relief but being a mother now, you also must deliver the placenta.


16. The power of a baby’s poop should not be underestimated as no diaper in the world can hold that.


17. It’s usual for the parents to smell of baby’s vomit because it keeps on happening after every feed.


18. In the early stages, the baby can’t communicate so it would just cry or yell and you would have to guess as what it wants.


19. With motherhood comes sleepless nights as you should be up 24/7 to feed the baby.


20. After all, this comes the bliss of being solely responsible for all the happiness of this tiny little munchkin.


It’s rightly said that mothers are the most selfless human beings as they would always put you before them. Always respect your mother because maa kay pairoun talay janaat hai. Let us know in the comment section down below as to what’s your take on it and don’t forget to like and share it.