Here’s The Reality Of A Not So Perfect Life of A Housewife

Like every other woman/girlfriend in my Instagram and Snapchat, I too wish for my life to be as perfect as they seem on social media. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, yet I’m sure all the women (read: people) reading this article know how it feels. You know you have everything, yet there seems to be a missing spark. It’s called “The Not So Perfect Syndrome”, and I accept the fact that I have it.

The Not So Perfect Syndrome is where you have everything you need, yet you desire for all that you want, and somehow add it under the “need” category. It’s human instinct, we tend to do that.


Source: Tenor

I got married 9 months back to my college sweetheart, and am living the dream life (according to some), yet I find myself complaining over minute things (not being able to gym, getting bored at home). I’m sure if need to be, I can figure these things out, but my laziness and lack of motivation stop me.

Na cherh malanga nu!

Source: Tenor

One unintentionally compares their own lives to the ones they see on Snapchat and Instagram and *sigh* this is where the social depression kicks in. I don’t mean to target or make fun of mental health, just using it as a social term.

Anyway, I really hope with time I am able to find an interesting hobby to keep me occupied, to make me appreciate things, but until then, I shall take out minor flaws in everything around me. Any kind of suggestions will always be helpful and don’t worry, I shall have a million excuses for every suggestion.

Yours truly,

The Perfectly Imperfect Housewife.