Here’s How To Actually Know If You’re Ready For A Marriage And Not Just A Wedding

You ever hear a story when someone from your friends or family shared how their parents said “no” to the idea of them getting married because “you are not ready yet,”? Usually, the reasoning behind this ‘not ready’ is financial stability.

A person, especially a boy in a society like ours is told to hold of the idea getting married because he does not have the means to afford a wedding or a wife. He might be working his way to the top, but because he isn’t quite there at the top yet, neither his family nor the family of the girl he wishes to get married to will agree.

Conclusively, what makes someone ‘not ready’ for a marriage is facing lack of resources to afford a wedding and a wedded lifestyle, correct? That is why this entire concept is extremely flawed.

A Person, With their Highly Educated Qualifications and Topping Bank Balance Will Be Pushed For Marriage Because “Now Is the Time You Settle With Someone”

This is because they can now afford a wedding, but what if they are still not ready for a marriage?

A wedding requires money, creativity, a place to hold the ceremonies and whatnot. A wedding requires the heart to spend all your and/or your parents’ money on these activities.

A marriage, on the other hand, requires commitment, actions, love, hard work and respect…none of the things that depend on money, financial stability or the readiness for someone to afford a wedding.

Marriage has been narrowed down to the concept of wedding; where the ability to determine someone being ready to commit their life to another person depends on how big their house is, how many cars they have and whether they can afford a lavish wedding or not.

Gone are the days when marriage meant love, respect and putting actions to the promised words you made at your wedding.

Couples work hard to gather all the means to afford a wedding, but do they work hard when their marriage or on themselves as a couple?