Hocane Sisters’ New Year’s Eve Pictures are Going a Little too Viral and People aren’t really Happy

New Year’s Eve was celebrated by many famous celebrities on a high note in Pakistan. Many celebrities hosted private parties and invited close friends and family to have a blast. Where many chose to spend it in Pakistan with their loved ones, there were a few who chose to celebrate at a different destination and few abroad.

However, the Hocane sisters chose to spend it here in their home country! As New Year approaches, the one thing everyone is the most excited about is about is, glamming themselves up for New Year’s Eve and just prepping up for the big night. Let’s not forget what makes it all special… Food, music, friends, and family!

Nowadays, social media has surely become problematic for the majority of celebrities. How and why? Well, as we all know, there are certain trolls who keep a keen eye on these celebrities at all times and are ready to criticise their every move. Speaking of the Hocane sisters, Urwa and Mawra, the two were flaked again for their New Year’s Eve outfits. Yup.

The Hocanes dressed in all black…

Urwa with her husband, Farhan – We love the duo <3

And the keyboard warriors…


tch tch tch…




Wanna-be Kim. LOL.


Now, the question that arises here is that, why are we so quick to judge? Why do we bring all the religious policies of the women who choose to do what they love to do? Why have we stopped giving them the space to breathe? Wasn’t it supposed to be between that person and Allah? When is this ever going to change?