I Refused to Send My Pics to a Follower on Instagram, What He Decided to do Next was Utterly Atrocious!

We are in the generation where social media is in our bloodstream. Some do it for enjoyment, while others just use it to annoy others by spoiling their privacy. Same happened to me. I started a writer’s page on Instagram just to share my thoughts. Yes, I also reply to pages that share their posts and thoughts with me. I also post other followers’ content by mentioning their name (giving them credit).

Now, coming straight to the topic, this guy SAQIB KHAN was my follower on Instagram and he inboxes me his photography work which is based on nature photography, mostly. I appreciated him always just by pressing that heart button present in the corner of the chat box. Then he started replying to my posts and stories which I replied to, kindly ( but not frankly).


Afterwards, he started interfering by asking questions about my personal life which I ignored, politely. But he continued to annoy me and started calling me “fatso, jahil, ganwar, hijraa, moti etc” and so, I just blocked him and ignored again.

But it doesn’t stop here. He stole my personal info from Instagram by hacking or else I don’t know which way he used and started texting me from two different numbers and spoke a shitty dialogue every street guy uses “DHONDNE SE KHUDA MIL JATA NUMBER KIA CHEEZ HAI”. Now he’s abusing me and it’s hella disturbing.

My point is that, what should we, girls, do in such a case??? If we ignore it, then we get this shit in return, when we agree and accompany a guy the way he wants to be accompanied, then we’re labeled as ‘characterless’. When a girl says NO it means NO. Why can’t people respect a woman’s NO? Why is this NO always challenging for men and their ego?