Here’s Why Parents Need To Work On Making Their Daughters Indpendent

Whenever any divorced or separation happens in our family, we often hear this from our parents ‘Log Kya Kahein Ge?’. In any divorce case, why do we always ask girls to tolerate or to be patient? Why is it difficult for girls to ask for a divorce? You can end up being like a slave but don’t you dare to think about the separation because what will people say? Where would you go after being divorced? Who will marry you?

When our society arises this sort of absurd questions, the option a girl has left with is to compromise! She can’t come back to her parent’s house even she is dying from the torture, she has to live in whatever the situation is. Why don’t we understand the fact that getting married should not be the only priority but to settle your carrier is, becoming an independent individual is way more important?

Source: TechJuice

If a girl is educated, confident plus independent, only then she can fight for her rights. Instead of depending on her father or husband, she should lead her life in her own way.

I ask parents to support your daughters in any relevant situations. Your daughter deserves respect, she is not born to be treated improperly and before getting her married, work on making her independent because we never know what will happen next.