Mawra Hocane Comes to Rescue Her Sister Who Was Badly Ridiculed By Social Media

Remember how just yesterday we were talking about Urwa Hocane and how Pakistani social media fanatics left no mercy on her? Yep, we are talking about that trolling her as well. In an elaborated post Urwa Hocane made on her Facebook, she was remembering the day of her wedding while seeing the royal wedding which took place 3 days ago. The royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle made everyone feel the love and Urwa was one of them.

While the post seemed pretty normal for all the lovebirds, the way she drew a comparison between her wedding and the royal wedding invited all sorts of trolls from Pakistanis.

Here’s What Urwa Posted on her Facebook:

And Then She Made Another Comment Too When the Trolls Started Getting on her Back

Twitter Didn’t Leave Urwa Hocane Either


So while the internet was busy bashing Urwa Hocane, Mawra came to the rescue!

In a Tweet by Mawra, She Tried to Explain How Important Rejoicing Love Is

Mawra even mentioned how she doesn’t reply to the trolls, but obviously, people went too ahead this time when it came to Urwa’s post

But Even Then, People Didn’t Spare Mawra!

And Here’s More

So while Mawra’s comment made a lot of sense, Pakistanis still show their hatred for now reason. Urwa is in her epic love with Farhan Saeed and there’s no harm in the nostalgia she had while watching the royal wedding.

To every girl, being married to the love of her life is enough of a royal wedding where her common man is her prince. There’s no harm in feeling what Urwa Hocane felt.

People need to be easy with their trolls all the time. It can hurt other people as well and the celebrities are, of course, are human too.