#MeToo: Pakistani Women Took To Social Media To Share Their Sexual Harassment Stories

A Twitter trend to stand against sexual harassment and assault started trending on Sunday where thousands of people using #MeToo shared their stories of assault and harassment, and surprisingly, not just Twitter, but all of the social media was flooded with #MeToo stories. The audience was primarily women, however, men were seen sharing their dark episodes as well.

The campaign started in response to Harvey Weinstein scandal when many women started sharing their stories of being assaulted by the producer at their workplace. However, once women started speaking up against him, he was later removed from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

That’s when famous American actress, activist, and producer, Alyssa Milano, tweeted this:

There were heartbreaking stories out there and many victim gathered the courage to share their’s…

People from different ethnicity started joining in…

It was absolutely heartbreaking…

No shame, no fear, no respect at all…

They deserve to be cursed…

And for some, even their silence had a dark story…

A few famous celebrities were also seen tweeting…


Abuse is not a sign of love

Are you heartless?


It’s time to bring about radical change and it’s time to stand up against sexual assault, harassment, and rape. No man or woman deserves to be harassed in any way. Those who are sharing their stories are all part of the change. You have the power to do. Encourage others to do. Stay safe and don’t forget, you have the power to bring a change.