No One becomes Terrible by Choice – Here’s What You Need to Understand

There’s always another side of the story that we can’t see. So before judging anyone, take a minute to know the reasons that have made them that way.

So here are certain things that have a very strong impact on yourself and your life.

1. Bad life experiences:


Experiences play a very important role in building up of your personality. If you have a bad experience in your personal/professional/social life there is more chance you become a negative entity but this is not the solution to the problem.

2. Uncompensated loss:

Source: SHRM

Sometimes some incidents are so hard to forget and keep lingering in our mind, like the death of a very close relation. This has left in you a big hollow and you find so hard to get back to your life, so hard to communicate with others and if you do you do in very strange and totally questionable ways.

3. No one is there to listen:

Source: Internet Archive

When you cannot speak out your heart in front of the right person who can be your friend, sister, mother etc. then you’re actually piling up frustration and it will get out on anyone that left you with a ruthless person label.

4. I am always misunderstood:

Source: Southwestern Consulting

Most of the times, you feel you’re not the person as people perceive you to be and you develop a certain level of hate and uncomfortableness against everyone.

So, whenever you find someone being so hard on themselves, the only thing you should do is try to be humble. And to all the people with mysterious life experiences, I hope you go easy on yourself and with others because when nothing’s left all that is left is hope.