A Message For All The Girls Who Boast About Their ‘Great Life’ On Instagram

Sitting alone and thinking about my life makes me wonder have I done anything to be proud of myself? Nothing. Even though I have had a good educational background but I did not avail that opportunity. Rather I lived a life of an average girl who went to the school every day in the same uniform in the same van with the same people to meet the same people. But those same people are not the same anymore. They’ve all reached to those points of their life which I can only imagine of becoming.

Sitting here on my couch on the other side of the phone I’m still wondering how did they do it? They must have had links, sources or rich parents to support them. Seeing all this makes me feel even more miserable about my life and in turn, I start to hate myself even more. This makes me lazier every day because I know the ultimate goal of my life is marriage, doing chores and raising ordinary kids. So the cycle of an ordinary child who lives a miserable life keeps on going forever.

Source: Giphy

But do I want this? Do I actually want this? Obviously not. I want to have a great life like all those girls on Instagram, exploring the world, wearing all those branded clothes and makeup. Who would not wish for such a life? But the question that I want to ask myself and every ordinary girl reading this is that, ‘but are we putting even a slightest effort to become what we want to see ourselves as?’

Source: Giphy

As all of you just read this and ponder upon this question. Let me tell you where we went wrong in being like those Instagram or social media girls. We, which includes you, me and every ordinary girl who wants to become something more than that, are doing nothing, accept it girls, except for just taking our exams and trying our best by studying one night before the exam day to pass that exam with passing grades and secretly promising ourselves agli

 dafa top karoongi.’

Source: Giphy

We all know we won’t but we like to satisfy ours guilts by saying that, don’t we? We plan to do internship every year but the summer heat is too tanning for us to go out. We plan on spending lesser on food and clothing but as soon as we enter that mall, we go gaga over those dresses and the money just starts peeking out of our pockets. We plan to diet and go to the gym but the pizza and fries are just too intimidating for us. We plan on reading all the novels that we’ve made a list of since the seventh grade but then the blogger’s life seems more interesting to us than novels. So, we end up swooning over their lives rather than improving ours.

The problem is not what those girls are doing. The problem is what are we doing to become what we want to see ourselves as. Watching those makeup tutorials won’t help you in winning that liner unless you try it. Take a break from your so-called-social-media life and live the real one. You might just discover some really interesting things about yourselves. Leaving our phones is not easy, I know but start trying it.

Give time to yourself or just try one of those ‘DIY’s’ you just saw, whether it was a face mask or how to decorate your room. Start doing things rather than scrolling through your newsfeeds and being impressed by others. It will get you nothing but the guilt of ruining one more amazing day of your beautiful life. We’re ordinary who can get that extra just to start doing something rather than procrastinating.