Priyanka Chopra Had a Badass Reply to A Sexist Question And Left Everyone Speechless

In an industry where female celebrities have mentioned at numerous points that sexism is a prevalent element, it sometimes gets hard for a feminist to make a statement without people not point fingers at her. Eventually, there always will be the fear of not getting work in case you call out and name shame those individuals who are spreading sexism like a venom.

Priyanka Chopra, on the other hand, has always been vocal about being a feminism and seeks equality; be it her statements made in India or any other foreign land.

And in this video, she just showed us how strong her concept of equality and feminism is.

In an Interview, A Man Asked Priyanka Chopra a Sexist Question in a Very Casual Manner

Pretty sure that man’s intention was prejudicial or anything jbtw.

So the guy begins his question by asking, “In India films, we see frequently that on a stupidity of a boy, a girl slaps a boy. As a feminist, I have never seen you complain about the abuse of a man,” 

Woah…One Minute…WHAT?

He then adds, “Where is your equality? If God forbid a m an slaps a woman, it is a crime

,” and the reactions of Priyanka during this question are just priceless!

Where is your protest as a feminist if a girl slaps a boy on the screen? Where is the equality?”

Piggy Chops then just prepares herself to give an ultimate answer. She starts by saying, “So you are saying that when a man eve-teases a woman, she slapping him is the abuse of a man?” She then says that if a man is cat-calling her, a woman shouldn’t slap her but instead just “move on”?

She then talks about equality by saying, “when we talk about equality and opportunity, we are talking about cerebral opportunity. We are not saying that we want to be 200 pounds like a man and beat the shit out of somebody.

We are saying you get the ability to get the job, become a CEO and nobody questions when you are 50 and have three children and how are you managing it all. Don’t question me. That’s what I am saying; I can be a mother and a CEO.”

Watch Priyanka’s Complete Answer Here:

It is an excellent response to those who think feminism and equality revolve around slapping or other lame things. Way to go, Priyanka. Wish we could have more sound women in our society to spread such a message.