Sanam Baloch Portrays a very innovative way of how People can protect their Children from Sexual Predators

There are times when parents fail to teach their children what is right and wrong when they’re growing up. It’s necessary for every parent to look forward to the upbringing of their upcoming child the moment they find out that they’re expecting. However, many still fail to understand how important it is to teach children discipline at the right time.

Speaking of which, child safety is also equally important. Child harassment, child abuse is on the rise and recently, many incidents have been reported where a majority of kids have been victimized by sexual predators. If kids are taught a few practical pointers of their safety from the very beginning, possibly such horrific incidents can be avoided in the near future.

Moreover, famous Pakistani celebrity, Sanam Baloch, was recently seen in a video where she was teaching her niece about child safety and what is right and wrong. Despite being busy with her sister’s wedding festivities, gorgeous Sanam didn’t seem to miss the opportunity to teach the little one some basic principles of good touch and bad touch.

Here’s the video of Sanam Baloch with her niece… Super cute!

We simply loved the khala-bhanji duo caught in this act as it sets a great example for every parent out there. As some parents find it difficult to take out time for such things, it’s high time they realize how there have been numerous child molestation cases in the past. Look forward protecting your child in every possible way. The earlier you teach them, the faster they’ll learn. Children are precious and truly a blessing. Let’s teach them what’s right and wrong for their safety.

What do you think about this video? Let us know in the comments!