Sham Idrees & Froggy’s New ‘Baby Gender’ Prank Gone Too Far!

And this duo is at it once again!

Sham Idrees and Saher aka Queen Froggy tied the knot earlier this year and got nikkafied some time back. The duo announced that they’re expecting their first baby just a couple of months after their marriage. Sham Idrees and Froggy, have been running their respective channels and are famous for distasteful pranks and filming it.

We know how Desis love controversies, dramas, fights and whatnot and these two love birds sure have mastered the art of feeding all of this to their viewers! However, the news of their baby announcement is something that made the viewers question one thing. How is the couple expecting so soon? Well, that’s for you to figure out. Lol.

A couple of weeks ago, the Sham Idrees and Froggy decided to reveal the gender of the baby

and it turned out that they’re having a baby girl!

They announced it in their vlog like they ALWAYS announce everything… Check it out!

But then again, the couple chose to prank their viewers and literally take advantage of their pregnancy!

“Doctor told us the wrong gender” – what even? In the vlog, Froggy decided to prank her husband, Sham by telling him that the doctor had told them the wrong gender and that they’re having a baby boy and not a girl. At first, Sham decided not to believe it and even questioned Froggy as to how is it even possible. To which, Froggy replied that maybe it was too soon at that time when she got her ultrasound done. She also said that the baby was not in the right position when the doctor did her ultrasound.

However, later in the video, Froggy revealed that she’s pranking Sham and that they’re actually having a baby girl and that there was nothing wrong with the ultrasound. So, she ended up getting a cake for him which read, “It’s Sierra Idrees”. Moreover, Froggy stated in the video that there are 10% chances of the ultrasound to come out wrong as per what the doctor had told her…

And well, that’s when she thought of pranking Sham!

Here’s the full video!

Since the majority of people aren’t happy with the duo’s content, it’s high time YouTube should penalize such content. Matlab, what even? Is it okay for them to be fooling their viewers like this?

Let us know what you think about their prank videos in the comments below.