These 4 Signs Indicate That You Have A Healthy Menstrual Cycle

Many of us still consider menstrual cycle as a taboo and because of this, many of us may not know what is feminine health? What is normal, healthy and fine and what is abnormal in her body? Unfortunately, the thing about which we know little less is our period’s link to our health. In a recent study published by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, periods have a direct link to the health of a woman.

“Just as abnormal blood pressure, heart rate, or respiratory rate may be key to diagnosing potentially serious health conditions, identification of abnormal menstrual patterns in adolescence may improve early identification of potential health concerns for adulthood.”

So, the time for silence should end now! There are many indicators of a healthy menstruation cycle that you can easily pay attention to and find about your health on your own.

1. Your Menstrual Cycle Should Be Between 25 – 30 Days Long


The most important sign to be aware of your menstrual cycle is the regularity. You may not have a cycle of exactly thirty days but keep the record if the pattern is different every month. For instance, your monthly visitor hits you for 5 days in April but the next month it stays for more than a week, or if periods lasts for 29 days in one month, 30 days the next and 34 days the following, it means you might be dealing with hormonal fluctuations. If you don’t have a regular menstrual cycle, go and see the gynecologist immediately.

2. The Blood Should Be Of Bright Red Color

Source: NTU Chinese Medicine Clinic

If the flow is light, moderate or heavy, it’s all considered normal. And when it comes to the color of the flow, gynecologists consider red blood as the right signal for a healthy menstrual cycle. It also indicates that the blood isn’t stagnating in the uterus. If the flow is dark brown, dark red blood or clots it indicates the poor uterine circulation.

3. PMS Is Not A Necessary Thing!

Source: The Independent

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is generally considered as the obligatory part of the menstrual cycle but gynecologists think totally opposite. The emotional and physical PMS symptoms are just the imbalance of estrogen, progesterone, estriol, and testosterone, and this doesn’t affect your body during periods only!


4. No Spotting In The Mid-Cycle Of Your Menstruation

Source: Medical News Today

If you see blood after scheduled periods, it can be a serious issue. This irregular bleeding is named as ‘breakthrough bleeding’ that could indicate low progesterone. Spotting, outside the period’s date, is a sign of something unusual, you should visit your doctor in no time.

We hope that these four important clues will help you to start a journey to balanced hormones.