Slut-Shaming Does Not Make Anyone Cool and Our Society Needs To Realize This!

A few weeks back, I was standing in my school’s washroom and this girl who was a senior was trying on a new hoodie. So when she wore the hoodie, it was tightly fitted and made her boobs prominent. The next thing I hear her say is: “I look like a slut.”

These five words honestly triggered me so much that I’m finally able to write on this topic. Also, I high-key regret not going up to her and correcting her only because she was my senior. Slut shaming is a very common topic in our society these days and I feel like girls promote it more than guys do. Before I further talk on this topic, to everyone reading this (specifical girls): it’s not okay if anyone calls you a slut, it’s not okay to call others a slut, it’s not okay to see other people call others a slut in front of you. I hope after this, we can together make a difference in the society. The change begins with you.

Source: Study Breaks Magazine

Firstly, the word slut in our society is used for a girl who wears short or revealing clothes, a girl whose boobs or ass is prominent in her clothes, a girl who has a lot of guy friends and hangs-out with them, a girl whose revealing pictures are leaked which she sent to her significant other by trusting him, for a girl whose bra strap shows lastly, for a girl whose cleavage is shown. However, according to the Oxford dictionary, the word slut means “A woman who has many casual sexual partners”. This definition does not fit with any of the situation described above so how is a girl a slut in such situations?

Source: Women’s Voices for the Earth

A girl who’s still a virgin, doesn’t do drugs, doesn’t wear revealing clothes in public, doesn’t hang out with a lot of guys but is still labeled as a slut? Now, can we take a moment to realize how fucked up our society is? And how it has double standards. If a girl does all this herself, it’s fine but the moment she sees another girl in the competition; she labels her as a ‘slut’? For guys, if a random girl does all this she’s ‘hot’ but the moment they see their sister or girlfriend in any of these situations, she’s a ‘slut’.

The word slut is used so often for people that it looks like more of a compliment than an insult. We all need to realize how much trauma this one word can cause and stop using it for every second girl we hate. If you don’t stop saying it for others then don’t sit crying when it’s used for you because karma leaves no one.

As for guys, stop labeling girls something you wouldn’t want your sister or mother to be labeled as.