Here’s Why This Pakistani Mother Thinks “These” Fairy Tales Should Be Banned For Kids Under 12!

Fairy tales have been seen as ideal, imaginative and capitative stories for not only young people but for some adults too. Almost all of us know and remember the most popular stories from childhood and we tell the stories to our children. But it’s not necessary to follow the custom that has become outmoded.

Nowadays, video watching is an essential tool for teaching. We have never had this variety of animated movies before. But as quantitative entertainment increases, it has become a little more challenging for the parents as to what to show their kids. As a parent, I don’t want to be a killjoy person for kids but for the sake of their healthy thinking, it is essential to have a ban on some movies as these movies help to develop a stereotype mentally.

Let’s have a look on some fairy tales and what they are lacking in providing a complete package of child-friendly content.


In most fairy tales, the protagonist is a miserable female character and she always needs the opposite gender to overcome her hardships. Its examples are the most favorite and popular animated movies, like Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty. One common thing in all three movies is that the heroine of the movie is saved from a lifetime misery or eternal sleep by a Prince Charming.

This theme is not healthy for both boys and girls. After watching these movies, the most probable outcome is that girls will consider themselves to be always saved by men and for boys, it is as harmful as girls. They will start thinking that in the end, it is he who will save the day. This might be one of the reasons for male dominant society as this idea is induced in kids’ minds at a very tender age.


Secondly, in every movie, only the most beautiful and thinnest girl is a protagonist which implies that no plus size or dark complexion girl can be the center of attraction or attention. This ideology enhances the chances of complex in girls. And for the boys, this image development ends as an ideal in their innocent minds. This might be one of the reasons for the demand of the fairest and smartest girl as their wives.

Further, in fairy tales, stepmothers are often portrayed as evil. This evil character helps the kids to persuade that stepmothers are horrible and cruel. And unfortunately, if a kid faces such a situation, it becomes quite challenging for the kid to trust this relationship.

Source: Giphy

Mostly fairy tales are brimful of fantasies. All these stories revolve around romance which is highly inappropriate in this tender age. In these movies, the action of true love is a kiss and it has become a compulsory element. It is not acceptable even if the kid is relating the couple with his parents.

And most importantly, the events that take place in movies are often contradictory with real life that may baffle the children. Like Cinderella all alone, endeavors to the palace to dance with a prince and she is away till midnight. Snow White lives with seven strangers and not only that, she happily spends her days cooking and cleaning for them. Similarly, Aladdin is a pathological liar, who transforms himself completely to be with Princess Jasmine. This is brainwashing children that it’s ok to lie, as long as you get the girl.

There is no doubt that these movies are portraying very encouraging messages too but if we aim to sexualize or place adult themes in them, we are taking away the innocence of our children. Let them enjoy their fragile childhood.