This Girl Encountered Two Men Throwing Flying Kisses to her In Ramadan and It Is Just Disgusting!

Not the first time we are reading men doing the super unreligious thing in the Holy month of Ramadan, are we? Just a few days ago, a man stopping his car to jerk in front two female passengers broke the national media as we saw his picture not only on social media but also in every other news outlet.

In addition to the alarming activities happening all over the country, Ramsha Akmal from Karachi shared the incident that happened to her. While driving, Ramsha experienced two guys on the bike, throwing flying kisses her way.

Here’s How Ramsha Narrated the Incident:

These morons constantly kept throwing their flying kisses towards me and waited on me at each signal so they could embarrass me further and that’s not all when I tried chasing them hit them with my car they kept showing me their middle finger (both of them) and when they saw me taking out my phone they started smiling as if nothing happened and they didn’t do anything. Ramadan ka bhe khayal nahe Ata logo ko. 

PS: yes I am listening to music but it didn’t hurt anyone neither did It bother anyone for having sound proof glasses installed in my car, but their behaviour did

And Here’s The Video As Well

Just sad to see how people such as two creeps are not even respecting the holy month of Ramadan and makes one wonder even if they are fasting, wonder what’s their intention.

Such people are the part of the problem – they are pulling such behavior in public and have the confidence that they will get away with it. On the other hand, Ramsha did the right thing by recording their face and bike number plate.

The social media also played a role and advocated how what Ramsha did was the correct approach. Hope such men stop!