This Pakistan Mother Gave A Life Lesson To Her Son In A Very Beautiful Way

One day, after returning from school, he asked me the English of “Akkar Bakkar”. Remember the famous game from our childhood days. I tried really hard to translate it but couldn’t. Who knows it’s English? Nobody. Please don’t tell me that you can, maybe I’m not that good in English. So, I told him that there is no English version of it.

I wanted to play that game with my classmates, he said in a sad tone.

Why don’t you make them learn this game in your language? I asked him

C’mon, mama! How will my friends understand it? He asked a pretty sensible question.

Try to make them learn and play. They’ll enjoy a new game which they haven’t heard of. Look, you yourself learn so many new things from them every day. Why don’t you give them a chance?

Source: School Management System

He didn’t look pleased, gave me weird look and stormed into his room.

Why doesn’t he realize that’s it is ok-to-be-different and unique? He is a separate individual with his own qualities and traits. I wanted him to realize that every person is different from other and that’s the beauty of this universe. But how? I was thinking of something when I stumbled upon the storybook of Elmer. My eyes sparkled with excitement because you know,  “haathi mere saathi”. I walked into his room with a storybook.

Get ready, I’m about to read you a story, I said.

He eyed me with i-don’t-believe-it and are-you-ok-mom look. Ignoring his looks, I continued to read Elmer by David McKee, a patchwork elephant with vivid and bold colors. He is different from the other elephants and tries to blend in by painting himself grey. The other elephants no longer recognize him, which makes Elmer feel sad. When it rains, the paint washes off and Elmer’s “true colors” are revealed. Elmer’s friends are happy to have Elmer back, as himself, with his colorful and fun personality. I looked at my son after putting the book down. He was lost in some thoughts.

Source: PBS

He: Why were they happy to have Elmer back?

Me: Because they love Elmer the way he was.

He: But Mama I haven’t seen any colorful elephant? Where do they live?

Me: Err…Ummm… it’s a story beta.

He: If it didn’t start to rain, they wouldn’t have recognized him.

Me: How long he can keep himself quiet?

I waited for another question but he suddenly became more interested in his cars so, I left the room wondering has he learned anything or I have wasted my precious scroll-the-Facebook-time?

He went to school the next day and came back smiling. Upon inquiring, he told me how he made his friends learn a new game and how his gora friends pronounced “akkar bakkar” between fits of laughter. They all loved the game and played it several times. This little act has opened doors of love and believing yourself which will help him in adjusting, coordinating and making friends.

Spread the message of Elmer.!!