This Pakistani Girl Abused By A Japanese Guy In Combodia is Absolutely Terrifying!

Living in the 21st century, the world is going completely in the direction of artificial intelligence. The assembly lines in the industries are being taken over the robots. Science has evolved to the extent of going to another planet, to find an earth-like star. The face of living has changed like never before. The emergence of the digital world and style of living has completely changed the way people live and the way people they think.

But one thing that has not changed its place is misogyny. In the same world with all these transformations, people still treat women like a second-class citizen. By that, it means that people like to dictate women on what they should do, what they should wear, and so on. And if the same woman disobeys, she is bound to face severe consequences. The consequences could be in the form of shouting, beating and sometimes killing as well.

This woman named Annie Khan, shared her story with Parhlo and told us about how severely she was beaten up by her Japanese boyfriend and he continued to abuse her for quite some time. Annie was very vocal about this terrifying incident.

After the last time, he abused her and it was worse than ever and the guy ran away to his homeland

Jun Takeguchi is a Japanese businessman from Toyama and is a member of Eurocham Cambodia, where he is listed as the CEO of JUN CAM PARTNERS CO, Ltd in the Real Estate & Construction, Finance & Banking/Investment sectors.

This is beyond worse! How could someone beat a human this bad?


Here’s this guy who beat Annie and ran away to never look back


Jun’s ID card, since Annie wanted people to know about him


This is cruel! How can people be so heartless? Would it be okay for people if a woman beat a man this severely? Let’s not stay silent anymore. Let women be vocal about abuse just like Annie so no man like Jun has the audacity to raise his hand on a woman. EVER!