This Post By Mufti Menk On Single Mothers Is An Eye-Opener For Our Society

Motherhood itself is never an easy task. From the delicate steps a mother needs to implement when the child is an infant to the worrying of a mother for her child when he or she is old enough and they do not need their mother anymore, being a mother is an emotional and a physical job, yet something extremely close to the mother herself.

Now imagine how all of this would be for a mother who is single; with no help from the significant with who she brought the child to the world whatsoever. Along with this comes the pressure of the society – of the parents, of the relatives and everyone else. The single mother, in this case, is always held accountable by the society and the family. Support is something which lacks in the life of a single mother, yet she continues being an incredible, strong person on her own.

The Society Keeps Wondering The Single Mother Does Not Know How to Do Her Job

Because she is on her own, the society keeps giving advices to her. The society keeps telling her what she needs to do. They see her as an inferior, weak person…in continuous need of some help or saving. And Islamic scholar Mufti Menk explained it beautifully.

Mufti Menk Wrote the Following About Single Mothers and How the Society Needs to Stop Interfering

When every single person around a young mother wants to tell her what to do and what not to do, why her child is crying and how she is feeding the child inadequately, then more confusion and hurt is caused than education or solution to the matter. Babies will cry just like we all did at one stage and it is only correct to say a word of encouragement to the mother or remain silent. 

Interference into matters of feeding and upbringing can be the most annoying, depressing and stressful experience a young mother has. Each child is unique and not all solutions will be applicable. Criticism of young mothers by their own family members or friends shows that they do not really care but simply want to prove they know better without actually providing a positive silent solution in the most loving manner. No mother intentionally causes pain and grief to her baby but rather she is very keen on providing every bit of comfort. This status is dedicated to mothers who have suffered at the hands of “know it alls” who will not leave them alone! May the Almighty bless us all! Aameen

This is indeed an advice people in our society need to follow, especially towards single mothers. They are doing enough for themselves and their child.