Here’s Why Pakistani Women Feel Offended When Someone Calls them “Aunty”

Ever wondered when you are passing by and someone calls you aunty and kinda makes you feel…weird or maybe sad…? I mean, you must be wondering you are not THAT old now, right? Well, just as when you call a guy “bhai” and he feels weird about it, sometimes women feel weird when they are called “aunty” or “baji”

So Someone On Reddit Shared their Absolutely Amazing Encounter On this Same Subject

Goes by the username u/Suavely-Contagious, the user asked why Pakistani women feel offended when called aunty and here’s the shared encounter:

I don’t know if people generally use this word in the west as Aunty is sort of used to lay emphasis on ones family relations i.e your moms sister or your fathers e.t.c. We generally also use this word here when we’re talking to a women not a girl, a women we have never met and is a freakin stranger or a nobody to you. I went to visit my grandma at National Hospital in Lahore yesterday and though i’ve visited it tons of times before; they’ve sort of renovated it and changed some of the sections here.

I’m really obsessed with Greys Anatomy particulary the neuro and peds department so i was really excited to see if this hospital had one and i tried wandering off to different sections of the building but to no avail. I finally spotted a women wearing scrubs and she looked like a doctor so i thought she might be of a bit of assistance. i approached her and asked “Aunty aapko koi idea hai ke idhar Peds ya neurology department kidhr hai” and all of a sudden her jolly expressions changed into something a tad bit meaner but she did tell me where peds was and also gave me a small 5 min lecture on why i shouldn’t have called her an Aunty although i admit i could’ve just started my convo with “excuse me kya apko………….” but stuff happens lol.

The question’s a bit weird but why are Paki women so offended or emotionally effected if someone called them an aunty now i can’t just say ‘Oi anoushe ye neurology kidhr lagta hai lol’ (That was her name-tag btw but i haven’t revealed the full name obvio).

Someone Shared the Following Answer And LOOOOOL

Well, to answer that, you know how they always say that a woman near tells her age and a man never discloses his bank balance? Well, that’s probably the case here as well.