10 Reasons Why Being Single Is Better Than A Relationship

If you’ve just had a breakup or if you still haven’t found the right person, then let me say to you that you have nothing to worry about. This too shall pass. It is okay and it’s all a part of life. You may feel hollow and vulnerable from the inside but what we often forget is that regardless of your relationship status, being happy is what truly counts! You need to prioritize that.

However, on the flip side, being single is FAR better than being in a relationship with the wrong person or be trapped in a toxic relationship. If you’ve decided to let go, then good for you… And trust me, you’ll be in so much peace. However, it may take a little while! But you will find it.

Alright, to cheer you up, here are some pointers to tell you that it is actually better to be single than being in a fazool relationship. Here we go:

1. Zero Drama. No kidding!


No fazool ka rona dhona, no making up excuses.


2. No unnecessary fights and arguments


You won’t have a significant other to disagree on matters that lead to baseless fights and arguments.

3. More savings! More Money!


No more giving gifts and taking your partner out to lunch/dinner. Seriously, being in a relationship can be expensive!

4. You get plenty of sleep


No more staying up and chatting… That means you’re going to bed super early! Or maybe not… what are besties for? GOSSIPS!!

5. You’ll get plenty of time to focus on a new hobby


More time to invest in different activities! Remember how you wanted to paint or write but were bound to? Now you totally can!

6. No more giving up on things you love


Back to all those things you were asked to leave/ditch! Hmph.

7. Not having to share your fries and chocolates




8. Not having to check your phone again and again


Your phone’s gonna need that! BADLY.

9. Not having to keep up with girlish/boyish interests and stuff


Seriously! No more FIFA or football or makeup or fashion!

10. Can have has many crushes as you want without being judged by your significant other


Oh, yes!! You now have the freedom to comment on your crush’s picture…or simply ask him/her out… *winks*

Always remember:

“Happiness lies within yourself, not in any would-be soulmate”, said Steinberg.

So, the next time you’re feeling low about being single, look on the bright side. Think of it in a way that God has saved your soul. LOL. Celebrate your freedom!