Women Lawyers’ Association Finally Speaks Up Against The Sexist Remarks On Punjab Bar Council’s Diary

Five days back, a lawyer from Punjab Hassan Niazi posted a photo on his twitter account of his official diary. The lines written in Urdu in the top center states: “The nation that gives too much freedom, inevitably regrets its mistake.” This sexist remark was written on one of the pages of the diary dated at 6th of October 2018.

Niazi demanded that all such statements should be removed!

After which many people doubted this photo, saying that it could be photoshopped. But there were many other lawyers, who took out their diaries and shared some griever misogynistic “remarks” on the other pages of the diary

The blatant sexism that is harmful to women in genral but also for the women working in Punjab Bar Council

Women Lawyers’ Association took notice of this activity and clarified their stance and how they condemn such remark being blatantly printed on the official diary of lawyers. It was offensive for every woman being born in Pakistan and every woman who represent Pakistan in manner.

WLA also wrote how Punjab Bar Council, gave a written notice to CII for their remarks on such pathetic sexism; the notice was to pacify the woman who talked against this issue

The most serious issue was when Punjab Bar Council, instead of conceding the remarks as wrong they considered them as a possibility of claims endorsed by Islam!

Punjab which holds a large amount of population of Pakistan should never endorse such statements which are completely baseless and sourceless.