
5 Simple Ways to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat Within 30 Days


Belly fat is more than just a nuisance which makes your clothes feel tight. Fat inside the belly area is seriously harmful. If you feel like you are doing everything and making smart moves to lose the stubborn belly fat but still are unable to see the results, it may be because your food intake still contains furtive foods which lead you to bloating. Although losing fat from belly can be difficult, it’s worse than just being overweight; it leads you to increased risks of diabetes and heart diseases.

There are several things you can do to reduce your excess abdominal fat.

1. Never stop moving

A recent study from Duke found that jogging 12 miles a week will help you lose belly fat.

2. Eat protein like you mean it

Protein is an extremely important nutrient for weight control. We obviously know that protein is essential for a slimmer body and for losing belly fat. But here is why protein needs to be on your plate from now onwards, “Your body starts to produce more insulin as you age since your muscle and fat cells aren’t responding to it properly,” explains Louis Aronne, MD, Director of the Obesity Clinic at Cornell. And insulin promotes fat storage, especially around your belly. A diet, high in protein, may protect you against insulin resistance, Aronne says. One easy way to up your intake is to add Organic Whey Protein to your smoothies, meals, or snacks.

3. Reduce Stress Level

Stress makes you gain belly fat faster than anything by triggering the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, also known as “stress hormone”. Women who already have a large waist tend to produce more cortisol in response to stress. Increased cortisol further adds to fat gain around the middle. To help reduce the belly fat, get yourself engaged in gratifying activities that help relieve stress. Practicing yoga and meditation can be effective methods.

4. Say No to Sugary Foods

Sugar contains fructose which is linked to many chronic diseases when consumed in excess. It is important to realize that more than just refined sugar can lead to belly fat gain. Even “healthier” sugars (such as real honey) should be used sparingly.

5. Become The Queen of Green Tea

Losing fat, particularly in the abdomen, is a challenging process which often requires significant changes in diet and exercise habits. Although some foods and beverages, such as green tea, may help speed this process by boosting metabolism, they are unlikely to cause a significant loss of belly fat when used alone. An article published in “The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” in 1999 found that an extract made from green tea increased metabolism by up to 4%. This suggests that green tea may be able to help increase the loss of belly fat, but it will be more effective if you use green tea as part of an overall change in diet and exercise.

Image Credits: veganliftz

Changing your lifestyle for the long-term is the key to losing your belly fat and keeping it off. I think that for anyone who truly wants to optimize their diet, tracking things for a while is absolutely essential.

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