
A Girl Accidentally Sent an Embarassing Text to her Future Mother-in-Law and People Are Going CRAZY!


The next time you opt for the automated text feature added to you your iOS 11, think again. No really! You have no idea of the trouble you’re getting yourself into. But, there are pros and cons of everything, right? This new feature of ‘Do Not Disturb‘ is pretty interesting – keeping in mind the safety of a driver to help reduce the number of accidents caused by people who use their phones while driving.

A student, Aiman Siddiqui, tried out this new feature as well. But to her dismay, she had sent the wrong message to her future mother-in-law. While studying for her exams and staying focused, Aiman enabled this feature and typed the following automated message:

I’m studying leave me tf alone. Bih ahhh tryna make me fail all the time
(I’m not receiving notification. If this is urgent, reply “urgent” to send a notification through with your original message.)

Yikes! Have a look at the tweet.

Aiman was surely going to kill herself after this…

Apparently, Aiman wasn’t the only was who was cringing…

We’re ALL crying.

It was a scary moment for all. HAHAHA

*Mini heart attack*


Lord, have mercy.

Aiman also showed everyone a little tutorial on how to set the automated message

Well, thank you.

Her fiancé, Arham, added a bit of humor to the whole scenario as well. Funny dude!

Woah. Now that was a close call. Well, we’d love to know what her mother-in-law’s reaction was. After Arham’s, we definitely know that the situation was under control. Thank goodness! Best wishes to the couple.

A little piece of advice to those who want to enable this feature on their iPhone: Make sure the message is appropriate. Khandaan and susraal appropriate. LOL. 

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