
According To Islam, Here Are The Benefits Of Mother’s Milk


When babies are born, they are weak and in dire need of proper nutrition. They need all kinds of vitamins, proteins, calcium so that they stay healthy. They are prone to get any sort of disease no matter how minor because their immune systems are not as strong and supportive yet. Thus babies need all kind of perfect food they can get to become stronger and healthier.

So why not look for something which is all in one??

Source: YouTube

It is believed that a mother’s milk is the best and complete food for the child. It is better than all other food products like celeriac for the baby. Mother’s milk is preferred over others.

On account of its nutrient value, this milk will be ideally suited for the functioning of the child. It is very compatible for the child’s needs because it has been drawing nutrition from the mother for nine months and will continue to get the same contents from the milk provided by the mother.

Source: Breastfeeding

For the child, it is the best option because it is the only milk which is least contaminated with germs than other sorts of tetra pack or powdered milk products. The other milk passes through many utensils and is infected by germs in the process.

It is also the safest food product for the babies. The children brought up on the mother’s milk are healthier and infant mortality is also found lesser as compared to those who are fed on milk from other sources.

Islam, too, has stressed the significance of the mother’s milk for the child. It was termed as the natural right of the child to be fed on.

The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) has said:

For a child, there is no milk better than the milk of the mother – Mustadrak al-Wasail, vol. 15, pg. 156

It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that,

The reward of a woman, from the time of pregnancy until birth and breastfeeding, is the same as the reward of one on the path of Allah, and if a woman leaves this world during that time because of the hardship and pains of birth, she has the reward of a martyr – Makarim al-Akhlaq, pg. 238

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