This Guy Shares How His Mother’s Trying To Remarry After 13 Years But Her Family’s Against It

In a marriage, divorce is one alarming situation indeed but it is something which cannot be ignored and shouldn’t be ridiculed. In a Pakistani society, getting a divorce means a stamp that goes on a woman and she’s character assassinated from that point onwards. She will be regarded as someone who “couldn’t save her home.” And for her, giving another shot at marriage is the most difficult thing unless she has a supportive family who doesn’t care about the blames of the society regarding her.

Speaking of which, we recently came across a tweet of this brave, young guy who opened up about his mother, who has been divorced for 13 years who has been trying to get remarried after all the sacrifices she has done for her sons. Faisal made a lot of sense in his tweet as he talked about how hard it is for a woman being divorced in the Asian communities.

Here’s what Faisal (the son), tweeted:

What is saddening is that Faisal mentioned that his mother’s parents/family have chosen to cut off all ties with them after she wished to remarry…

He further gave Islamic references and how our Prophet Muhammad PBUH, too, married a divorcee…

Guys like him… His mother must be so proud of him!

We’re with you, Faisal!

Let’s help him out here, guys!

It’s high time our society understands the impact of forced marriages at a young age and how it affects not just the couple, but the entire family. It’s saddening to see how parents only wish to see their daughters to get married yet not think about their happiness after they get married. Nevertheless,  it’s amazing to see how a 20-year-old boy understands his mother’s situation so deeply. Truly shows the upbringing of a single mother. She has taught them well. Much respect!

Let’s hope one day our society thinks otherwise and we come across fewer cases of failed marriages.