Sahiba Afzal, a former Pakistani film actress and producer, recently opened up about her life in a candid interview on Imran Ashraf’s show Mazaq Raat. While many know her as the wife of film actor Rambo and a mother dedicated to her family, Sahiba revealed a surprising twist in her journey.
At the peak of her career, Sahiba graced the silver screen with memorable performances in Pakistani movies such as Hero (1992), Hathi Meray Sathi (1993), and Munafiq (2013). However, her life took a turn when she married the famous film actor Rambo, and together, they became a symbol of everlasting love in the entertainment industry.
On the show, Sahiba shared a heartwarming revelation: “Rambo is not my first love. I left acting and work after I got married to Rambo, but he was not my first love. My first love was showbiz, and I always wanted to act, but it was Rambo’s love and sincerity that made me say goodbye to my first love.”
Also Read: Sahiba Afzal Shares Her Views On Not Having A Daughter
Despite leaving her first love, showbiz, Sahiba expressed that she found comfort in Rambo’s constant love and care. “I knew that Rambo is the person who will always love her and will take care of her,” she added.
Sahiba’s confession provides a glimpse into the complexities of her journey, showcasing the sacrifices made for love and family. While her first love might have been showbiz, it’s clear that Rambo holds a special place in her heart.
As Sahiba continues her life journey, the public remains fascinated by her story, celebrating the lasting love that she and Rambo have built over the years. Their tale is a reminder that love can take unexpected turns, leading to beautiful chapters in one’s life.