
Here Are Some Things You Should Never Say to Women Who Wear a Burqa!


Regardless of which part of the world you are living in, there is a community which thinks burqa is a sign of oppression. There also lies the community which links burqa with terrorism. If you are living in a country which does not practice Islam as the first religion, you are bound to hear a number of questions if you cover yourself with a burqa.

Women who wear a Burqa will Always Listen to Questions and Remarks Such As:

“What are you Wearing Underneath?”

They are always curious to know what lies underneath, aren’t they?

“Isn’t this Oppression? You Can’t be a Feminist then!!”

Hijab/burqa leads to the perception of Islam being oppressive – a religion which doesn’t give women to roam around wearing whatever they wish to. This usually happens in non-Muslim countries.

“Are you a Terrorist?”


“Oh. What Do you Call this Piece of Clothing?”

Ninja? Shuttlecock abaya? Laser eyes? Or what???

“Oh, You Don’t Have to Wear Fancy Clothes or Makeup. So Lucky!”

Could be a blessing given how difficult it is to leave the house every time after putting makeup. These ladies do not have to put an extra effort, right?

“All of Your Photos Must Look the Same Then…”

Of course, the face never changes anyway even if you don’t wear a burqa.

“Would Love to See You One Day Without a Burqa”

The burqa keeps the surprise element – everyone wants to see how you’d look without one!

Questions like these and much more are asked when a woman chooses to cover herself by wearing a burqa. It is not oppression, but the choice these ladies make. There are many who do not cover themselves and many who do – it is a matter between Allah and the person, not between you and the person!

The article was inspired by BBC Three’s video!

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