
Remembering Shaheed Benazir Bhutto 71st Birthday

Remembering Shaheed Benazir Bhutto 71st Birthday


21st June marks the 71st birthday of the Benazir Bhutto. Regardless of the criticism that still follows Bezair, she remains a reality in the Pakistani political sphere.

Pakistani political sphere holds little or no room for females. Benazir’s legacy is an instrument to capitalize on in the field. An irrefutable reality, It was, however the circumstance that brought the change. Benazir Bhutto’s judicial murder and Zia Islamist militant regime accumulated in Benazir’s arrival.

Also Read: ‘We Can Make A Brilliant Biopic On Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto’ – Saba Qamar

A major turn of events took place; when Benzir redirected Pakistan’s Peoples Party’s ideological stance from socialism to liberalism. Benzir throughout her political career faced Islamists for her stance and, because she was a woman.

Also Read: A Triumphed But Woeful Return Of Benazir Bhutto To Pakistan In 2007

Every mother raising a daughter should read Benazir’s life and legacy. In turn, the parents can develop a fearless daughter who will work as a politician, an entrepreneur, and in other aspects of life.

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