
8 Things You Should Avoid Doing While On Your Period


There’s nothing good about getting your period. Nobody is fond of it and nobody enjoys their period.That’ss for sure! However, in our modern day and age, there has been quite a lot of significant studies done on such topics. One of them being, things not to do when you’re on your period. You’d be surprised to know the limitations that come with being a girl.

1. Stay away from sad movies that are bound to make you cry!

While you’re bleeding away from your vagina, you will experience a rollercoaster of emotions and that is perfectly normal. Most girls have intense positive vibes flowing out, other’s transform into The Hulk. Who can blame them? You’re bleeding notoriously!

2. Don’t make important decisions.

This one may not apply to every single lady but for some, it is safe to stay away from permanent decisions that can/will affect them in the long run. The last thing you want is regret.

3. Stay away from white. I repeat, white is a NO NO.


You’re prone to leaking out. Every girl is, no matter how secure you think everything is placed, there is still a chance of blood leaking out and staining your clothes. What’s worse is that, having a red stain on a fresh, white pair of jeans. Somebody call the fashion police!

4. Do not forget about your bleeding uterus

The pain and misery makes you want to ignore everything but in all honestly, while ignorance is bliss, you don’t want to forget all about your period. What if that tampon stays in for too long? Or you forget to change your pad? Oh God, the endless disasters.

5. No waxing!

Your estrogen levels drop while you’re bleeding the hell out. Just… Just do yourself a favor and save yourself the misery! It’s not something you’d find pleasent or want to go through.

6. Sleeping without a pad

Don’t act shocked when you read this. You know we all have done this at one point. I personally thought that periods suddenly hit pause in the night. So yeah, there’s a lesson here.

7. Do NOT skip the gym on your period!

Yes, it hurts like a bitch and yes, the pain is making you slower, but don’t let that come in your way when it comes to fitness! Missing out on the gym is a major no no. Exercising will help you feel better infact.

8. Wear your ‘weapon of choice’ for an entire day!

I don’t care how busy you are, how hard you work and what your job description is, but for the love of all that is good and pure, do NOT wear the same damn pad for a whole day! It is not safe, you can get acne on your genitals and what not.

9. Don’t be bitchy.

Too Funny Chicks

This is perhaps the most important Don’t of all. Listen, I understand what your body is going through right now. It’s hard on you, but that doesn’t give you the green signal to be mean around people who love you. Your period does not entitle you to any superiority of any kind so please don’t assume it.

A great list of things you should never, ever, eveeeeeer do while you’re on your period! Can you add something here? We’d love to know your period disasters!

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