
An Open Letter to the Parents Who are Making Their Children “Weight-Conscious” – Yes, Really!


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In the beginning, I want to tell you that I’m a fat girl who is considered a ‘shame’ in this society. We all are worried about our physique and mostly discuss ‘how to get rid of weight with totkas’ with one another. On the other hand, Pakistani media tries to find solutions for it and every generation is crazy to have the guaranteed results with any medicine, diet or exercise. This leaves a dreadful impact on the children. Proving it by a reference, I would like to tell you about kids aged 3 years and older, and how they worry about being fat.

When parents and media worry about weight, children are likely to have same concerns. Parents who discuss dieting around their children can have a negative influence on them. Let’s share one experience of a mother in Pakistan. Mrs. Ahmed tells us that when her daughter, Maira, started to worry about weight, she was only 5. That’s when boys at her private school started calling her fat. Maira, now 9-years-old, has always been taller and more broadly built than most of the other girls in her class and she quickly learned her body type made her the target for teasing.

Source: Tech in Asia

We all think that such small kids only worry about their ‘Talking Angela’. Wrong. How can they be so mature to do so but that true child learns much from society and follows it. Maira became weight conscious, she started coming home and telling her 3-year-old brother, if you eat then you are going to get fat. Mrs. Ahmed told that “We all exercise a lot and it’s definitely just her body type. We started having a dialogue with her about it but its hard for her to understand that everyone has different bodies.”.

Source: Samaa TV

Four and five-year-old children know “skinny“ is good and “fat” is bad. The children in public school are calling each other fat as a put-down. As our country becomes more obsessed with increasingly skinny ideals of beauty at the same time that we’re getting more obese. “Fat hatred has become so pervasive that it is part of the fabric of our language and interactions”, says DR. ROBYN SILVERMAN, author of “Good Girls Don’t Get Fat: How weight obsession is messing up our girls and how we can help them thrive despite it”. Fat and thin are no longer simply assessments of size or weight, but rather of character. So you can imagine why adoption of these attitudes, diet talk, and disordered behavior is happening earlier as well.

Source: Unicef

Children pick up stated and unstated messages from their parents and media starting from the time they open their eyes and quickly what the ideal person for their gender looks like when parents are more concerned with weight, the children are more likely to have concerns. But a larger culture of movies, television, Halloween costumes and new-fashioned skinny pants and shirts tells young people at a very early age that fat is bad and thin is good.

It doesn’t even matter if your children don’t watch television, they still adore Disney movies and Barbie. Most of the girls have issues that how can we be thin and cause we are fat no prince charming would be there for us, we don’t look good and we are not the princes. These girls don’t even have the know-how of dieting but they leave meals to get thin which can have hazardous effects on health. When kids will think a lot, they will grow abnormally fast and go through depressions when people around them talk about it they will get more in pressure and may get quite.

So this discussion ends here. Hope you’ve invested your valuable time at a good platform and liked it please share this knowledge save children and STOP OBESITY AND ITS UNKNOWN IMPACT ON SOCIETY

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