
The Secret of Breathing – Forget what Society has to Say!


How long have you gone without judging someone or yet the better question is, how many times a day do you judge someone else’s appearance or even the way they talk or walk? How many times a day are you judged by the way you dress or just the way you are? At school, university, office or even when walking in a mall surrounded by strangers, the judgment game is never-ending.

Everyone faces it

Source: Fanpop

What would the people say? Life is so full of ups and downs; it’s often hard to know whether you’re making the right decision at times. But to have others question what you’re doing and pass judgment on the decisions that you make, it is often too much to handle. People often find it easier to judge and assume to view a world beyond ‘black and white’. But to the base, your opinion on someone on ignorance and stereotypes can be very harmful to the person involved.

In our society, there is a very thin line to walk on when culture and religion is the heart of the country. Even though culture is a slight adaptation of our neighboring countries, but we accept it wholeheartedly. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against the culture or religion, but a judgmental society is not productive and it kills the creativity in us. Why is that? Because we are comfortable in following the same old trends and afraid of trying something new, bashing whoever is a little different or jealousy takes us over.

The Pressure

Source: The Aerogram

Pressure is never an easy thing to deal with. We are always taught from childhood to resist it from our peers, to resist the influence of our colleagues. But we never talk about the burden of all the pressure; they put upon us by the society we live in.

Our society has set our education goals, age goals, marriage goals and we should be functioning robots who God forbid, get depression, nope, you’re malfunctioning. If you’re divorced, oh no, OFF WITH HER HEAD!

Hate is a strong word. This article started from the tiniest thing of being judged by just the way a person dresses or talks if people haven’t even progressed and accepted basic things such as our thoughts about racism, homophobia, and sexism are some of the worst. These beliefs were passed on to us by others, and we blindly hold on to them as our own truth. Why don’t we question ourselves about why do we hate those who we know so little or nothing about?

How to cope with a hypercritical society

Source: Giphy

When the judgment crosses limits and enters into marriages and extreme personal issues, you have to draw a line and change. Take matters into your own hand. No, don’t fight but don’t be quiet about it either.

Be the change you wish to see. The way we choose is closely aligned with the way we inherently view ourselves. We can seek to love ourselves more, and therefore not align our self-worth with others’ approval. That is, we must show the very love that we desire from others. And a good step toward loving others is to develop an honest love for ourselves. We must not risk squandering our own purposeful existence; we must not continue to walk in lockstep with the crowd.

Be whoever and however you want to be and don’t let anyone stop you. It will be a difficult road but it will be worth it. Trust yourself. Be at peace with yourself and everything else will follow.

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